“Tea partiers rally against GOP’s ‘phony votes’ to defund Obamacare” (Headline to story from Daily Caller 09/10/2013)

“Over the next few days, we’re going to see all sorts of games, showmanship, shenanigans and other things that other people in the ruling elite will try to do to pull the wool over our eyes,” said Jenny Beth Martin, the national coordinator of Tea Party Patriots

No need for the wool when the Teabaggers have you, Jenny Beth, pointing them in the wrong direction. As the Teabaggers fight to dominate the Republican Party, there remains a sign of salient life comingled with them in RepubliCon Land, a glimmer, expressed in the efforts of some members to avoid a government shut-down via Affordable Care Act defunding madness. However, the corporate shills (the Tea Party snake charmers who are influencing the loyalists) know that the party-controlling, Teabagger faithful seem incapable of comprehending that President Obama won the 2012 presidential election and not their Cayman-Island-Swiss-bank-account Dun, an incapacity attributable in part to their vision-limiting deification of corporations and mesmerization by constant trickle-down chants from the Republican sound chamber consisting of think-tanks, media, pundits, and politicians. Mitt Romney, who refused to release more than a couple of years of his tax returns would probably have been too corporations-are-people friendly and elitist for even his own father, if he were alive, to support if they weren’t related. His father, George, who in unmafia-like openness, when he was running for president, when asked to release his most recent tax returns, released 12 years worth of returns, told Look magazine, about releasing just a couple of years returns ,

“It could be a fluke, or even a cynical manipulation designed to make the candidate look good. What really mattered was how a candidate managed his personal finances over the long haul.”

Yet, the Tea Party, delusionally, found oneness with Mitt who stashes cash offshore like Tony Soprano hiding cash in his duck feed. So, Romney is not in the White House to sign any repeal legislation, the Senate is in the hands of Democrats and even in the U.S. House of Representatives, Democratic candidates across the U.S. received more total votes than Republican candidates did. So when people like Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas or Texas Senator Ted Cruz tell Teabaggers to tell their legislators to defund Obamacare, they are exploiting delusions about who is trustworthy while they make out like con artists(receiving tremendous financial backing from the interests they are protecting while pointing their followers in the wrong direction). The Teabaggers’ judgments about who to believe (based on their preconceptions) leave them looking in the wrong direction much to their detriment. Reminds me of a sitcom called Smart Guy. Go to about the 4:10 mark in this clip

Ginni Thomas who fought against the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which requires larger employers to provide temporary unpaid leave to employees to care for a new child or during a serious personal or family illness and who founded a group that was formed with a $500,000 anonymous donation that came as the Supreme Court was considering Citizens United, Ginni Thomas whose husband is making $223,500 per year, for life, as a federal employee and has access to insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (The federal program offers 206 health plan choices, according to the Office of Personnel Management.) Ginni Thomas finds no fault in railing against affordable healthcare for working and needy people; she is probably not going to be an advocate for things that benefit working Americans like removing the pre-existing condition barrier to obtaining insurance, or for everyday Americans being able to keep their children on their insurance until they’re 26 (although Republicans 19-25 are taking more advantage than Democrats), and removing lifetime caps on insurance. The secret of the success of the leaders of the defund-Obamacare-movement in pointing the rank-and-file Teabaggers in the wrong direction lies in their ability to exploit the rank-and-file’s predisposition to, profile even leadership(blatantly disregarding in a “you-lie-during-a-Presidential-address-finger-wagging-in-your-face” kinda way, the leadership of this particular president), a predisposition to respecting only leadership which looks, racially, like it did before 2008. It’s indeed fascinating to see Teabaggers place so much trust in people who conceal tax records and hide funds in Swiss bank accounts while running for president or display receptiveness to people who receive $500,000 anonymous donations or are nonchalant about loose-screws Cruz’s potential presidential candidacy knowing that he was born in Canada when they raised so much hell in demanding to see President Obama’s birth certificate.